luyued 发布于 2011-02-17 12:26 浏览 N 次《只要有爱》英文版MV唱响奥地利
当你遭受灾难,When you are suffering disaster,
我来到你的身边,I will come to you.
为你付出所有,I am willing to
我都心甘情愿。give all I have to you.
我们把眼泪擦干,Let’s wipe the tears away,
亿万颗心紧相连,Hearts of millions of people get together
众志成城不放弃,As long as we are firmly united and never give up,
希望在眼前。hope is very near.
啊,只要有爱,Ah, as long as there is love,
天塌地陷心不陷,the quake will not shake our belief,
只要有爱,as long as there is love,
万众一心定胜天,we can conquer the disaster
只要有爱,as long as there is love,
重建家园。We can rebuild our home.
作词:正兴法师 Lyrics: Zheng Xing Fa Shi
作曲:陈卫东 Composer: Chen Weidong
演唱:和妤婕 曾智超 Singer: He Yujie, Zeng Zhichao
策划:杨曦冬 Planner: Yang Xidong
编导:陈育新 Director: Chen Yuxin
编曲:阮书献 Music arrangement: Ruan Shuxian
录音:赵亮 Recording: Zhao Liang
合声:周雪苓兰斌 陈卫东 Chorus: Zhou Xueling, Lan Bin, Chen Weidong
监制:仁智 Producer: Ren Zhi
制片:张贞贞 Production manager:Zhang Zhenzhen
平面设计:方均远 Graphic designer: Fang Junyuan
翻译:黄文菁 Translate: Huang Wenjing
倾情制作 2008.5.17
Dedicated by
BeijingPrajna Boat Culture and Arts Communication Center
Zen Music Cultural Center
Gem Studio Film &TV Co., Ltd.
on 2008.5.17
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