luyued 发布于 2010-12-27 11:47 浏览 N 次湖君还介绍到,他们的线下活动包括了音乐、电影及各种各样的体育活动,并通过同伴教育的方式贯穿艾滋病预防知识的教育。运营经费则是主要来自于成员和一些NGO(”non-government organization”一词的缩写,是指在特定法律系统下,不被视为政府部门的协会、社团、基金会、慈善信托、非营利公司或其他法人,不以营利为目的的非政府组织,译者注)的捐助。
Coming out
关于出柜(英文”come out of the closet”的直译,指同志人群向周围的人公开自己同性恋的身份,译者注)
"It\'s difficult for our association to get recognition from others outside campus. Before joining Homoscu, some members didn\'t dare to accept their sex orientation, " Hu said.
Another SUC student surnamed Wang, outed himself during a public activity after joining Homoscu.
"After my public announcement, most classmates and teachers support me. I\'m not as depressed as before," he told the Global Times. "Homoscu is really like my home."
However, not all the homosexual members are willing to come out of the closet. Few members told their families and most haven\'t made it public, according to Hu who has done so.
Among them, lesbians usually keep a lower profile. None of them are willing to accept an interview with the Global Times.
"We don\'t encourage or discourage them to come out because it\'s a personal choice. But that choice is closely related to the society\'s attitude to homosexuals," he said.
No longer a \'disorder\'
Homosexuality was defined as a "mental disorder" until April 2001, when it was deleted from the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders.
Chen Zhouchao, a 20-year-old computer sophomore at SUC, is straight and working for Homoscu.
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